Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Glogster for Native American Tale


In accordance with my previous post about the tale of how the coyote stole fire, this is a glogster virtual pin board with a lot of ideas, pictures, and cool reference material for a literature class.  I propose this as another post-treatment activity or post-treatment activity.  

It would be useful to pre-reading exercise if you used it to contextualize the story you were about to read.  You could delve into native American culture, history, facts, and areas with the pictures.  After placing the students in the setting of the tale, you could ask them to predict what was they thought the story could possibly be about and what was going to happen. 

As a post-reading exercise, you could play the students the video as an independent rendition of the story and ask them to carry out the exercise explained on the glogster, or you could ask several students to describe the pictures and to see if they could tell you how each makes them feel and what they think each represents (Ex: background picture represents where the different tribes were settled and explain how now-a-days, many areas in North America maintain the same names in their cities, mountains, water-bodies, etc.)





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